Event Registration
Fields marked with * are obligatory
Participant Details

Please use an international format without 00 or +. Example: 34123456789.

Hotel Information
As part of the event we will book you a hotel room near Unilever Hive at Wageningen (up to 3 nights). We will inform you of your hotel details and logistics in a separate communication. In case you wish to prolong your stay, reach out to your UFS contact lead.
  Monday 25th March
  Tuesday 26th March
  Wednesday 27th March
  Thursday 28th March
  No hotel accommodation needed
Travel Information: Arrival
We will book transfers between your hotel and Unilever Hive Wageningen each day (timings and more information will be shared before the event)
I will arrive by own car and need parking space

Travel Information: Departure
Photos and videos will be taken during the event, potentially featuring you, for use in external communications both online and offline, such as articles, social media posts, or on Unilever and Unilever Food Solutions' websites. If you object to your image being used for these purposes, please email ufs@futuremenus2024.com, and we will ensure your image is not used in future digital and offline publications. For more details on your GDPR rights and how Unilever processes your personal data, refer to the privacy statement provided here: Privacy Notices | Unilever Legal.

We will use the data to organise your attendance to the Future Menus 2024 event. For that purpose, we will collect and use the data necessary to plan, organise your travel and stay and provide you access to the event. We will keep this data as long as necessary to completely close all administrative tasks which we are obliged to execute. If you are happy for us to keep your data for longer, please indicate so below
  Yes, I would like to be contacted for market research purposes and to receive the latest trends, recipe inspiration and special offers related to Unilever Food Solutions products and services.